Cornell/Penn State Conference on Financial Fragility

Co-Directors: Karl Shell (Cornell)
Neil Wallace (Penn State)

Supported by the following at Cornell: The Center for Analytic Economics, the Department of Economics,
the Institute for the Advancement of Economics, the Thorne Research Fund, and the Journal of Economic Theory.

September 26-27, 2009
at Cornell University

SATURDAY, September 26
Fleming Lecture Room - 226 Weill Hall.

8:00 - 8:45
Continental Breakfast
8:45 - 8:50
Provost Kent Fuchs, Welcome
8:50 - 9:00
Karl Shell (Cornell), Introduction to Financial Fragility
Saturday morning chair:  Jim Peck (Ohio State University)
9:00 - 9:50
John Geanakoplos (Yale University) "Leverage Cycles and the Anxious Economy" (joint w/Ana Fostel)
9:50 - 10:40
Todd Keister (NY Fed) "Bailouts and Bank Runs"
10:40 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:50
Ed Nosal (Chicago Fed) "Optimal Information Revelation in the Diamond-Dybvig Model: A Comment on Some Recent Literature" (joint w/Neil Wallace
11:50 - 1:10
Saturday afternoon chair: Todd Keister (NY Fed)
1:10 - 2:00
Phil Dybvig (Washington University, St. Louis) "International Causes and Implications of the Crisis" (there will be no paper)
2:00 - 2:50
Koralai Kirabaeva (Bank of Canada) "The Role of Adverse Selection and Liquidity in Financial Crises"
2:50 - 3:05
Coffee Break
3:05 - 3:55
Julio Rotemberg (Harvard University) "Liquidity Needs in Economies with Interconnected Financial Obligations"
3:55 - 4:45
Marie Hoerova (ECB) "Liquidity, Hoarding and Interbank Market Spreads" (joint w/Florian Heider & Cornelia Holthausen)

Dinner at Ramin Parlor Room, Sage Hall (Only for out-of-town participants and specifically invited Cornellians.)              

SUNDAY, September 27
Fleming Lecture Room - 226 Weill Hall

8:00 - 9:00
Continental Breakfast
Sunday morning chair: Marie Hoerova (ECB)
9:00 - 9:50
Chao Gu (Missouri) "Production, Hidden Actions, and the Payment System" (joint w/Mark Guzman & Joseph Haslag)
9:50 - 10:40
Randy Wright (University of Wisconsin) "Information, Liquidity, Asset Prices and Monetary Policy" (joint w/Benjamin Lester & Andrew Postlewaite)
10:40 - 10:55
Coffee Break
10:55 - 11:45
Douglas Gale (NYU) "Rollover Risk and Market Freezes" (joint w/Viral Acharya & Tanju Yorulmazer)
11:45 - 12:35
Adam Slawski (Penn State) "Heterogeneous Beliefs, Learning, and Speculative Trade in Hidden Markov Environment with Short Sale Constraints"
12:35 - 2:0
Box Lunch


        Conference Administrators:

        Amy Moesch (weekdays only):; 607-255-5617
        Max Mihm: 607-339-6037
        Yu Zhang: 607-220-4025
         Judit Temesvary: 607-592-5875
         Koralai Kirabaeva: 607-280-1759

        Map of the Cornell Campus and Conference Site

Directions from State College, PA to the Statler Hotel, Ithaca, NY

Directions from the Uris Hall/Statler Hotel to Karl and Susan Shell's House at 917 Wyckoff Road, Ithaca