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Working Papers


87-01 "Hazard Functions and Economic Duration Data," by Nicholas M. Kiefer.
Published in the Journal of Economic Literature, 26: 2, 1988, 646-679.

87-02 "Collective Dynamic Consistency in Repeated Games," by B. Douglas Bernheim and Debraj Ray.

87-03 "A Non-cooperative Theory of Coalitional Bargaining," by Kalyan Chatterjee, Bhaskar Dutta, Debraj Ray and Kunal Sengupta.

87-04 "Dynamic Equilibria with Unemployment Due to Undernourishment," by Debraj Ray and Peter A. Streufert. Revised November 1989.

87-05 "Decentralization in Infinite Horizon Economies: An Introduction," by Mukul Majumdar.
Published in the Journal of Economic Theory, 45: 2, August 1988, 217-227.

87-06 "On Perfectly Coalition-Proof Nash Equilibria," by Bezalel Peleg.
Published in Equilibrium and Dynamics: Essays in Honor of David Gale, Mukul Majumdar, ed., Macmilan, London, 1992, 259-268.

87-07 "Optimality and Decentralization in Infinite Horizon Economies," by Robert A. Becker and Mukul Majumdar.
Published in Joan Robinson and Modern Economic Theory, G. Feiwel, Ed., The Macmillan Press: Ltd. and New York University Press, 1989, 436-504.

87-08 "Decision Theory, Estimation Strategies and Model Choice," by Nicholas M. Kiefer and Jean-Francois Richard.

87-09 "Sunspot Equilibrium," by Karl Shell.
Published in The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, J. Eatwell, M. Milgate, and P.Newman, Eds., Vol. 4, Macmillan, 1987, 549-551. Reprinted in The New Palgrave: General Equilibrium, J. Eatwell, M. Milgate, and P. Newman, Eds., Macmillan, 1989, 274-280.

87-10 "Optimal Collection of Information by Partially Informed Agents," by Nicholas M. Kiefer.
Published in Econometric Reviews, 7, 1988-89, 113-148. (Discussion and Reply on pages 149-163.)

87-11 "Nash Equilibrium in a Class of Symmetric Dynamic Games: An Existence Theorem," by Rangarajan K. Sundaram.
Published in the Journal of Economic Theory, 47(1), 1989, 153-177, under the title "Perfect Equilibrium in Non-randomized Strategies in a Class of Symmetric Dynamic Games."

87-12 "Analysis of Grouped Duration Data," by Nicholas M. Kiefer.
Published in N.U. Prabhu, Ed., Statistical Inference from Stochastic Processes, Providence: AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series, 1988.

87-13 "Optimal Paths without GAS at any Discount Rates: New Examples from Forest Management," by Henry Wan, Jr.

87-14 "An Equilibrium Analysis of Fiscal Policy with Uncertainty and Incomplete Markets," by David Easley, Nicholas M. Kiefer and Uri Possen.