Cornell/Penn State Macro Workshop

Co-Directors: Karl Shell (Cornell)
Neil Wallace (Penn State)

November 20-21, 2004
at Cornell University

G01 Biotechnology Bldg.

SATURDAY, November 20

8:00 - 8:55
Light Refreshments (Lobby G01 Biotech Bldg.)
8:55 - 9:00
Karl Shell (Cornell), Introduction and Welcome (G01 Biotech Bldg.)
Saturday morning chair:  Marie Hoerova (Cornell University)
9:00 - 10:00
Ed Green (Penn State University) Risk and Incentives in a Payment Arrangement
10:00 - 10:10
Coffee Break (Lobby G01 Biotech Bldg.)
10:10 - 11:10
Gaetano Antinolfi (Washington University, St. Louis) Banking and Markets in a Monetary Model
11:10 - 12:10
Yi Wen (Cornell University) Durable Goods Inventories and the Volatility of Production: Explaining the Less Volatile U.S. Economy
12:15 - 1:15
Lunch (G01 Biotech Bldg.)
Saturday afternoon chair:  Ruilin Zhou (Penn State University)
1:30 - 2:30
Nezih Guner (Penn State University) Marriage and Divorce since World War II: Analyzing the Role of Technological Progress on the Formation of Households
2:30 - 3:30
Huberto Ennis (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond) Search, Money, and Inflation under Private Information
3:30 - 3:45
Coffee Break (Lobby G01)
3:45 - 4:45
Manjong Lee (Penn State University) Sixteenth-Century Replacement Costs of Coins: Implications for Optimal Financing and Divisibility

Dinner at Karl & Susan Shell's                      Unfortunatley, because of capacity constraints, we cannot invite
917 Wyckoff Road, 607-272-3579              first-year students to dinner this year.

SUNDAY, November 21

8:00 - 9:00
Light Refreshments (Conference Foyer)
Sunday morning chair:  Levon Barseghyan (Cornell University)
9:00 - 10:00
Tao Zhu (Cornell University) TBA
10:00 - 11:00
Luis Conraria (Cornell University) The Impact of Oil Shocks: Where's the Missing Accelerator
11:00 - Noon
Neil Wallace (Penn State University) The Cash-in-Advance Equilibrium in the Trading Post Model
Noon - 1:00
Box Lunch (Lobby G01Biotech Bldg.)


        Conference Staff:

        Amy Moesch (weekdays only):; 607-255-5617
        Christian Duttweiler:; 607-255-5618
        Marie Hoerova:

        Map of the Cornell Campus and Conference Site

Directions from State College, PA to the Statler Hotel, Ithaca, NY

Directions from the Statler Hotel to Karl and Susan Shell's House at 917 Wyckoff Road, Ithaca

Directions from Uris Hall, Cornell University to Karl and Susan Shell's House at 917 Wyckoff Road, Ithaca