Directions from Statler Hotel, Cornell University to Karl and Susan Shell's House at 917 Wyckoff Road, Ithaca.

(Google Map)


Dinner on Friday evening for visiting faculty and invited Cornell faculty

Friday evening, September 27: Drinks and Welcome at 6:30 p.m., Food at 7:30 p.m.

at the house of

Susan and Karl Shell
917 Wyckoff Road
Ithaca, NY 14850-2130
M Susan: 607-592-9874
M Karl: 607-592-9873

Driving Directions to the Shells' House

Leaving the Statler parking lot, turn right on Campus Road. Proceed straight for 270 ft until you reach a stop sign. Turn right at East Ave for 0.3 mi. East Ave becomes Thurston Ave. Drive acrossing the Thurston Ave Bridge and continue on for 0.3 mi. Turn right on Wyckoff Avenue and drive for 0.6 mi,which eventually becomes Wyckoff Road. Proceed downhill for .02miles. 917 is the last mailbox on the right. It is marked "SHELL". Turn right into the driveway. The house is in the back. Feel free to park on the grass or in the parking lots. Please do not park on the road.MAP

Google Map for directions from the Shells' house to the hotel.